Water Resource Management
Climate change can affect our water supply, as increasing rainfall intensity could overwhelm our drainage system and create flooding, while dry weather will reduce the availability of local water catchment water for supply.
As a nation with a very limited water supply, taking appropriate measures to ensure the sustainability of our water resources is a top priority for PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency. PUB has established the following Four National Taps to address our water needs:
- Local catchment water
- Imported water
- NEWater
- Desalinated water
Water Loop Illustrating Singapore’s Water Management
Source: Climate Change & Singapore: Challenges. Opportunities. Partnerships.
Our Resilient Water Resources
NEWater and desalinated water are not dependent on rainfall, and have become increasingly important water sources that can strengthen Singapore’s water security especially in the face of climate change.
PUB is committed to ensuring a diversified and sustainable water supply through our Four National Taps and build up our water production capacities, including NEWater and desalinated water, to meet future water demand which will inexorably increase.